Required Word Processing Software & Font
Both the initial and final versions of the paper have to be in the latest version of Microsoft WORD that you have access to. The paper must utilize Times New Roman font for the entire paper.
Paper Length
The final version of a paper for any of the IAB’s refereed journals should not exceed 16 pages in length (single-spaced and inclusive of references). The International Academy of Business Yearbook has a 6-page limit.
Title Page
The title of the paper should be centered, typed in capital letters, and should not exceed three lines. Font size for the paper title should be 16-point (Times New Roman). The authors’ names followed by affiliations (centered, italicized, single-spaced in 11-point font) should be typed beginning on the second line below the paper title.
The abstract heading (centered and italicized in 12-point bold font) should appear one line below author names and affiliations. The text for the abstract (italicized and in 11-point font) should appear one line below the abstract heading. The text for the abstract should be indented 0.5 inches from the left and right margins. The abstract length should not exceed 150 words.
Please include a list of 4-7 keywords describing your paper. Each word should be capitalized. The text should be (centered and italicized in 11-point font) should appear one line below the abstract. Keywords: Word One, Word Two, Word Three.
Body of the Paper
Use the following parameters for the main body of the paper
- The main body of the paper must be typed in 11-point font, single-spaced, on regular 8.5″ x 11″ paper, and fully justified.
- Margins should be set to 1-inch from top and left, 2.5-inch from right and 2-inch from bottom. Page numbers should not be numbered. The numbering would be done by the printer.
- Do not indent paragraphs. Skip a line between paragraphs.
- All major headings should be in 11-point bold font, centered, and capitalized. Headings should be preceded and followed by a blank line.
- All sub-headings should be in 11-point bold, left justified, and should utilize title case (first letter of each major word is capitalized). Leave one blank line above each sub-heading, but not below.
- All third-level headings (sub-sub-headings) should be italicized in 11-point bold, left justified, and should utilize title case (first letter of each major word is capitalized). Let the third-level headings run with the paragraph – begin the paragraph on the same line as this heading, after placing a period after the third-level heading.
- Do not use headers and footers.
- Use italics in place of underlines.
- Appendixes should be placed at the very end of the manuscript.
- Use ENDNOTES rather than FOOTNOTES, and keep endnotes to a minimum.
- The main body of the paper is followed by ENDNOTES, REFERENCES and APPENDIXES
(in this order).
Mathematical Notations and Equations
Where possible, use common language rather than mathematical notations in the body of the text. All notations and symbols used in paragraphs or equations must be explained. All equations must be numbered. Equation numbers should be in parentheses and flush with the right margin.
Tables and Figures
All tables and figures should be incorporated into the body of the text and should not spill over to the margins. They should be placed as close as possible to the location in the text where they are first referenced. Number all tables and figures and use BOLD capital letters (e.g., TABLE 3). Provide a name for each TABLE/FIGURE on the line under the TABLE/FIGURE number, utilizing bold title case. Center each table or figure number, and its title.
As pointed out earlier, main body of the paper is followed by ENDNOTES, REFERENCES and APPENDIXES. References should include only those studies that have actually been cited in the paper. The second and additional lines of each reference should have a 0.5-inch indentation. Do not leave blank lines between references. Titles of journals or books should be italicized rather than underlined. The references should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) references guidelines.
Author Responsibility
Authors alone are responsible for the content of their papers submitted for publication. They must proofread the manuscripts thoroughly and make sure that their papers are free from typographical and other errors.
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